Class > Creation Story > Basic
1.God Created the Earth
2.Sin Enters the World
3.The Flood
4.God’s Covenant with Abraham
5.The Son of Promise
6.God Provides for Isaac
7.Review 1-6
8.God Blesses Jacob
9.God Saves Joseph and His Family
10.God Calls Moses
11.The Ten Plagues
12.The Passover
13.Leaving Egypt
14.Review 8-13
15.God’s Covenant with Israel
16.Wandering in the Wilderness
17.The Promised Land
18.The Deliverers
19.God’s Covenant with David
20.The Divided Kingdom
21.Review 15-20
22.The Prophets
23.The Exile and Daniel in the Lions' Den
24.God Promises the Messiah
25.The Birth of John
26.The Birth of Jesus
27.John Baptizes Jesus
28.Review 22-27
29.Jesus Is Tempted in the Desert
30.Jesus Starts His Ministry
31.The Good Samaritan
32.The Rich Young Ruler
33.The Servant Who Wouldn't Forgive
34.Jesus Feeds 5,000 and Walks on Water